Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
A-Z for Podcasters - Questions to ask yourself
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
This episode we cover a list of questions as to what you should ask yourself before embarking on your journey to become a podcaster.
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
A-Z for Podcasters - Structuring your podcast
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
A good podcast is a structured podcast. Learn about the importance of having a consistent structure in your broadcasts. You can find out more and see our photo gallery at https://greeneyedmonster.com.au/a-z-for-podcasters/ Get early access on PATREON: Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/greeneyedmonster
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Coffee and Chat Promo for Launch in November
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Coffee and Chat will be starting in November 2021. We are looking for guests from business, local groups or personalities from your community. Call 0473 88 77 35 to recommend a guest. South Australia Only Please. https://lynk4.me/0snp4
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Public Speaking Tip # 29 Ask yourself this question
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
TRANSCRIPT; Before you start preparing your public speech you need to ask yourself this. What do I want to achieve by giving my talk and what message do I want the audience to takeaway. Without having those concepts in your mind preparing your speech will be like setting off in your car without knowing your destination - you drive around aimlessly looking for someplace you’re not sure about. Likewise not knowing what you want to achieve will lead to a meandering talk with no impact or purpose and a very frustrated and confused audience Once you have decided on the purpose and outcome of your speech you can start building the infrastructure for a compelling and passionate talk. Remember you are at the wheel taking your audience either on a Magical mystery tour or a tour of enlightenment which one is is up to you. If an audience has been good enough to give you their precious time make sure you respect them by giving the best talk possible and that can’t happen without a lot of research and hours of practice. It was Mark Twain who said if you want me to speak for an hour I’m ready today. If you want me to speak for just a few minutes it will take me a few weeks to prepare. Abraham Lincoln once said he had no time to deliver a 5 minute speech but he could go and speak for an hour at any time. The theme being, given time we can all relate a story or build an argument but to do it in a short space time requires discipline to distill the facts ,sifting the wheat from the chaff so a short speech will contain all the ingredients of a long speech but in a more powerful compact package. Preparing a speech is a skill in itself.
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
A-Z for Podcasters - Where to record
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Now you have the ideas and content together for your podcast, next is where do I record. We talk about the various options and venues to make great podcast recordings. You can find out more and see our photo gallery at https://greeneyedmonster.com.au/a-z-for-podcasters/ Get early access on PATREON: Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/greeneyedmonster
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
A-Z for Podcasters - Mic Types
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Want to know a bit about the different microphones used in podcasting? We look at several types and the various factors that affect how they sound. You can find out more and see our photo gallery at https://greeneyedmonster.com.au/a-z-for-podcasters/ Get early access on PATREON: Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/greeneyedmonster
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Public Speaking Tips #28 - Write for the Ear Not The Eye
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Writing for the ear is vastly different to writing for the eye. Bear this in mind when writing a speech. TRANSCRIPT; As a young journalist an old news editor of mine once said remember radio news isn’t like reading from a news paper. If you misunderstand a paper story you can re-read the section until you understand it. Not so with the broadcast media - mishear a story and it’s lost forever. Same with public speaking - so to my point, write for the ear not the eye. While I’m against public speakers reading out their talk there are times when reading a prepared speech is necessary. So as you prepare your script, when you’re writing it read it out aloud progressively to hear how it sounds. A piece of writing which appears perfect when you read it in your head can sound awkward, stilted clumsy when read out aloud. The written word is always more formal than the spoken word. While spoken language uses tone and pitch to improve understanding the written language is limited to layout and punctuation. With the exception of formal speeches, spoken language tends to be more impromptu. Because of that a written speech will usually be more restrictive and fail to have cut through with the audience - a written speech can appear like an invisible barrier stoping your message getting through. Public speaking should be more conversational, even though, in the main it’s a one way conversation . If you’re relying on reading your speech there’s no room for spontaneity, lose your place in your script and lookout. Speaking from dot points and largely adlibbing you can take in how your audience is reacting to what you say and you can respond accordingly. Then move on to your next point. When delivering your speech you need to use short sentences and in the main,short punchy words. When you write an article, our language contains much more details, whereas speeches tend to have the main ideas presented in a powerful and compelling way. It all goes to demonstrate why a speech or talk should never been seen as just standing up and reading out a written document. If your going to just read a Pre written script why not just email it out the day before, you’ll save your audience a lot of trouble
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
A-Z for Podcasters - Music and Artwork
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
In this episode of A-Z for Podcasters we talk about musical content and artwork for your channel and individual podcasts. You can find out more and see our photo gallery at https://greeneyedmonster.com.au/a-z-for-podcasters/ Get early access on PATREON: Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/greeneyedmonster
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Public Speaking Tip #27 The Setup
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Preparation for giving a speech doesn't end until you've checked out the venue. Fail to do that and you could be headed for disaster TRANSCRIPT: No amount of preparation will be enough if you aren’t familiar with the venue where you are speaking. Walking in cold is a sure way to push your nerve levels into over drive. Allow time to check the venue whether it be on the day or even beforehand. Is it a big room or a small room? The size and layout can affect the way you deliver your presentation. A small venue is more intimate and your movement and gestures should reflect that. A large room with a bigger audience allows you to be more expansive and theatrical. Small gestures in a large hall will be lost - big hand gestures and body movements are more appropriate. In a small venue the audience is closer they will see a half smile, rolling your eyes but in a big auditorium that would go unnoticed. Small details, but used properly your performance will improve markedly. While you’re there, check the stage - is there a lectern - how’s the lighting. Too late to be introduced on stage only to find there’s no lectern for your notes or the lighting is too poor to read them. Do a mic check to make sure you can be heard at the back of the room. A check of the setup is your responsibility - don’t rely on the organisers to have it right for you because once you’re on stage the audience will blame you, not the organisers. if you are struggling to be heard or see your notes. Doing a location check will also give you confidence because you will be familiar with your surroundings which gives you a feeling of control and will help calm the nerves. A good public speaker leaves nothing to chance.
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
A-Z for podcasters - Packaging your podcast
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
This week on A-Z for Podcasters we talk about packaging your podcast. What goes in to making a great podcast and not just mumbling on for the whole show. You can find out more at https://greeneyedmonster.com.au/a-z-for-podcasters/ Get early access on PATREON: Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/greeneyedmonster