Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Graeme Goodings Public Speaking 21 - 7 Quick Tips
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
After giving you 20 Public Speaking Tips I thought I would distill it into 7 Quick tips. TRANSCRIPT: There’s a saying that goes “ Exceptional public speaking is not about the speaker. ” Public speaking is the art of communicating your message powerfully and clearly with the aim of inspiring , informing and entertaining your audience. So here are 5 key points 1.Nerves are natural - as soon as you start thinking more about your audience and what you want to achieve for them the quicker you’ll see those nerves fall away. 2. What’s the purpose? What do you want your audience to take away? Have a plan - a road map of where you want to take your listeners Don’t let perfect get in the way of better - Practice does not make perfect 3 .Don’t read from a script - use dot points -so you can make eye contact and see how the audience is reacting and form a bond with them 4. Use story telling - facts and figures will long be forgotten but the impact of a good story will live on with your audience 5.Body language: First impressions matter - When introduced approach the stage confidently - head held high, shoulders back. Pause and Smile at the lectern before beginning your talk. 6. Know your subject and know your audience - practice and practice some more 7 Just reading book on body building won’t make you into an Arnold Schwarzenegger - as with PS you have to actually get our there and do it
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Can Do Dave With Pat For Lockdown July 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
A bit of fun and info during COVID-19 lock down in South Australia July 2021.
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Don’t Waste A Good Lockdown!! Graeme Goodings talks with David Hales
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Lockdowns are happening again around Australia - there are many ways to keep active and stay in touch personally and business wise. David and Graeme discuss the options.
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Public Speaking tip #20 Care more about your audience than your information
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
To become a better public speaker you have to realise that your audience is more important than your information. So what does that mean? TRANSCRIPT: A simple tip to help you become a better public speaker. Care more about your audience than you do about your information. Many speakers put so much work into researching and crafting their talk that the content becomes the centre of their universe and the audience becomes secondary. Big mistake - don’t fall in love with your information at the expense of those you’re delivering it to. Remember information is just that, information - it takes a person to give it true meaning. Research shows we pay far more attention and retain information much more reliably when what we are being told is connected to an emotional experience. Basically that means weaving your information into a compelling story is a sure fire way to not only get your message across but seat it deep in the minds of those listening. The bottom line - people matter more than information. With that in mind how do we translate that information into the most powerful message? Firstly, after researching and compiling your speech think about the message you want to get across. What do you want your audience to take away from your address? What do you want to be the lasting emotion? When you start thinking like this your voice and your delivery will begin to reflect your passion and commitment. Focus just on the words not the meaning and your talk will be DCB - dull, colourless and boring. Speak from the heart not the head - that’s the way to inform, educate and entertain your audience. and that will set you apart from other speakers.
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Graeme Goodings FIVEaa - Paul Hansen a man who knew the Man called Possum
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
A Man Called Possum by Max Jones is soon to become an audio book narrated by Graeme Goodings. Recently Graeme interviewed Paul Hansen on Adelaide radio station 5AA. Paul Hansen had personal contact with Jimmy "The Possum" on a number of occasions and shares his stories.
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Do you have problems with tangled petrol pump hoses or people using your flat surfaces for storage. Plus, people who seem to want to make me rich.
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Can Do Dave - Wood Fires And Those Pesky Flat Surfaces
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Wood fires and suburban areas. plus, those flat surfaces around the home that get used for storage no matter what you do.
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Can Do Dave - Do You Have Seniors Moments
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Do you suffer with memory fade or have Senoir's Moments? What the hell is going on? Am I just getting older or what?
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Public Speaking Tip #19 What Makes A Good Public Speaker
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
There are a number of elements that go to making a good public speech. Master them and you're well on your way. TRANSCRIPT: What makes a good public speaker? There are many elements to becoming a good public speaker but I’m going to narrow it down to a few Firstly confident body language - you might have the greatest content in the world but if you appear nervous and anxious you are sending all the wrong signals to your audience. Project confidence - stand tall, shoulders back, head held high. make sure you smile before you speak and pause before you open your mouth. And never underestimate the power of the pause throughout your talk. Pause before and after making a major point, pause for emphasis, pause to give time to absorb, pause to add drama Make regular eye contact - work your way around the room - looking directly at a member of the audience before moving on. Eye contact builds rapport, builds trust Remember to speak slowly, good content will be lost in rapid fire speech - talk at a conversational pace -but you can vary it by speeding up or slowing down to make or emphasis a point. Speak clearly and concisely - and try to eliminate filler words umm ahh - you know. Keep you content simple - don’t be fooled into thinking big words and convoluted sentences will make people believe you know your stuff . Just the opposite they’ll lose interest and tune out if you overload them with jargon. It’s better to make 3 points well than overload your audience with too much information. Leave your audience with a call to action - “remember to Vote” play your part in protecting the environment, Join a local sport group etc Video yourself when practising its the best way to see yourself as others will see you - it will help you eliminate any annoying gestures or movements. I believe with hard work anyone can become a good public speaker - work harder and you could go on to be a great Public Speaker.
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
KI Life - Deck Cafe
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
under the banner BIZ KI which has now been changed to reflect everything Kangaroo Island as "KI Life."